LLHA — HAIFA/U. Michaeli airport

Note: The following sections in this chapter are intentionally left blank: AD-2.7, AD-2.21, AD-2.25

LLHA AD 2.1  Aerodrome Location Indicator And Name

LLHA — HAIFA/U. Michaeli airport

LLHA AD 2.2  Aerodrome Geographical And Administrative Data

1ARP coordinates and site at AD324830324835N 03502348E 163°/678 M from THR 1615
2Direction and distance from (city)090°, 12 km from Haifa city center
3Elevation/Reference temperature28FT./31.5°C (August)
4Geoid undulation at AD ELEV PSN20.5 M
5MAG VAR/Annual Change5° E (2019)/0.08° increasing
6AD Administration, address, telephone, telefax, e-mail address, AFS

Israel Airports Authority (IAA) Haifa Airport 99 Julius Simon Rd. Haifa

Tel:972-4-8476100/1 after 16:00: Security Unit - 972-4-8476106, 972-50-9753105/6


Email:AD Administration/Operation and Security Center:

Email:ATC Tower:


7In the event of communication failure, the pilot should call Air traffic control tower

Tel:Control tower: 972-4-8476120 in case of comm. failure: 972-4-8729361

8Types of traffic permitted (IFR/VFR)CVFR only

LLHA AD 2.3  Operational Hours

1AD AdministrationSUN-THU: 0800-1600 LT
2Customs and immigrationPrior coordination with Operation and Security Center required
3Health and sanitationNIL
4AIS Briefing OfficeBy Ben-Gurion AIS office (See LLBG AD 2.2)
5ATS Reporting Office (ARO)NIL
6MET Briefing OfficeIsrael Meteorological Service meteorological watch office, Bet Dagan (LLBD).
7ATSSUN, THU: 0800-2200 LT MON, TUE, WED: 0800-2000 LT FRI & HOL eve: 0700-1900 LT SAT & HOL: 0800-2000 LT Jewish New Year’s eve - (See GEN 2.1) - Airport closed for ARR/DEP at 18:00 L.M.T. Yom Kipur - Day of Atonement (See Gen 2.1) - Airport closed for ARR/DEP at 14:00 L.M.T until holiday’s following day.
8FuelingSUN-THU: 0700-1500 LT FRI & HOL eve: 0700-1500 LT SAT & HOL: PR 24H through ‘PAZ Aviation Services’ Tel. 053-7211039
9HandlingTo receive Handling services, please contact one of the IAA Handling Companies: QAS - Phone: +972-3-9751333; Laufer-GHI - Phone: +972-76-8880000; AEROHANDLING - Phone: -972-3-9754012.
10SecurityAs AD administration
12RemarksLanding and takeoff of Helicopters in medical evacuation or Israeli Police in operational emergency is allowed beyond operational hours for refueling purposes only, and requires prior coordination with AD Administration/Operation and Security Center.

LLHA AD 2.4  Handling Services And Facilities

1Cargo-handling facilitiesNIL
2Fuel/oil typesJet A-1 by prior coordination with ‘PAZ Aviation Services’ Tel. 053-7211039
3Fueling facilities/capacitySelf-service 100LL & JET A-1, for local operators. Others to contact ‘PAZ Aviation Services’ , PR 24H in advance. Oil – NIL Boarding passengers at the refueling stand is forbidden.
4De-icing facilitiesNIL
5Hangar space for visiting aircraftNIL
6Repair facilities for visiting aircraftNIL

LLHA AD 2.5  Passenger Facilities

1HotelsIn the city of Haifa
2RestaurantsInside the terminal and in the city
3TransportationTaxis and bus station outside the terminal building
4Medical facilitiesFirst-aid at AD Hospitals in the city of Haifa
5Bank and Post OfficeNil
6Tourist OfficeIn the city of Haifa

LLHA AD 2.6  Rescue And Fire Fighting Services

1AD category for fire fightingCAT 5
2Rescue equipmentFire fighting vehicles & Ambulance
3Capability for removal of disabled aircraftNo equipment available

LLHA AD 2.7  Seasonal Availability - Clearing


LLHA AD 2.8  Aprons, Taxiways And Check Locations/Positions Data

1Designation, surface and strength of aprons (PCR)A: Surface: ASPH, Strength: 5/F/C/0.7Mpa/T110 / F / C / X / U Z: Surface: ASPH, Strength: 80 / F / C / X / T N: Surface: ASPH, Strength: 115 / F / C / X / T J: Surface: ASPH, Strength: 3 150 kg / 1.25 Mpa L: Surface: ASPH, Strength: 1 200 kg / 0.5 Mpa G: Surface: ASPH, Strength: 5 300 kg / 1.25 Mpa U: Surface: ASPH, Strength: 5 700 kg / 1.25 Mpa
2Designation, width, surface and strength of taxiwaysA: Width: 30 m, Surface: ASPH, Strength: 5/F/C/0.7Mpa/T
  • TWY A/M, G: 30 M
  • TWY N1, N2: 14.95 M
  • TWY J: 13.56 M
  • TWY L: 11.63 M
Surface: Asphalt Strength: PCN APN A: 5/F/C/0.7Mpa/T
3Location and elevation to the nearest metre or foot of altimeter checkpointsLocation: At Apron Elevation: 28 FT.
4Location of VOR checkpointsNil
5Position of INS checkpoints in degrees, minutes, seconds and hundredths of secondsNil
6RemarksAprons details and instructions, see parking chart:
  • Parking for international flights shall be approved in advance by the Operation and Security Center.
  • Apron A: In front of the terminal for commercial aircraft’s and authorized helicopters.
  • Aprons A, J, L, Z: For general aviation fixed-wing aircraft’s.
  • Apron G: For authorized helicopters only.
  • Apron N: For domestic aircraft (as detailed in Domestic AIP).
  • Apron Z: For authorized aircraft only. Taxi in: via taxiway Y-3, or follow tower instructions. Give way to traffic taxiing out of Apron Z. Taxi out: via Z-2, or follow tower instructions.
  • A/C parking stand shall be selected according to A/C WS, as detailed in parking charts. Parking small aircraft in large parking spot must be approved by the Operation and Security Center.

LLHA AD 2.9  Surface Movement Guidance And Control System And Markings

1Use of aircraft stand ID signs, TWY guide lines and visual docking/parking guidance system of aircraft standsTaxiing guidance signs at all intersections with TWY and RWY and at all holding positions. Guide lines at apron. Nose-out guidance at aircraft stands.
2RWY and TWY markings and LGTRWY: Designation, THR centre line, edge runway end as appropriate, marked and lighted. TWY: Centre line, marked, unlighted.
3Stop barsNil

LLHA AD 2.10  Aerodrome Obstacles

In Area 2a, Area 2b, Area 2c and Area 2d
Obstacle data for Area 2a, 2b, 2c and 2d is available by contacting the Civil Aviation Authority of Israel:

Ministry of Transportation Civil Aviation Authority Infrastructure Div. Mrs. Nitzan Vainstain P.O.B 1101 Golan House, Golan st., Airport City 7019900, Israel.


The following information can be provided:

  1. Obstacle identification.
  2. Type of Obstacle.
  3. Latitude;
  4. Longitude;
  5. Elevation (nearest foot);
  6. Height above ground level (AGL) (nearest foot);
  7. Status of obstacles lighting and painting.

Obstacle Data effective: 02-NOV-2023

In Area 3
Obstacle data for Area 3 is maintained by the Israeli Airports Authority (IAA), which is the aerodrome operator of LLHA airport.However, this information is not available for publication or purchase.Obstacle data for Area 3 is available by contacting the Israel Airport Authority:


The following information can be provided:

  1. Obstacle identification.
  2. Type of Obstacle.
  3. Latitude;
  4. Longitude;
  5. Elevation (nearest foot);
  6. Height above ground level (AGL) (nearest foot);
  7. Status of obstacles lighting and painting.
In Area 4
Obstacle data for Area 4 is not applicable, since there are no ILS CAT II/III operations in LLHA airport.

LLHA AD 2.11  Meteorological Information Provided

1Associated MET officeIsrael Meteorological Service, Bet Dagan (LLBD)
2Hours of service MET office outside hoursObservations commence one hour before AD resuming operation and continue until closure. Briefing available from LLBD 24H each day.
3Office responsible for TAF preparation Periods of validityIsrael Meteorological Service 24 HR (Long TAF)
4Type of landing forecast Interval of issuanceNil
5Briefing/consultation providedTelephone briefing with the Meteorological Watch Office at Israel Meteorological Service, Bet Dagan, can be established in the aerodrome meteorological station.
6Flight documentation Language(s) usedBy request from the local MET station, a folder may be provided containing: Charts, OPMET information, SIGMET, Aerodrome Warnings and low level forecasts for TEL-AVIV FIR available in ICAO abbreviated text or in English
7Charts and other information available for briefing or consultingLow level and upper wind and temperature chart for standard isobaric surface. Significant weather chart (low level, medium and high level)
8Supplementary equipment available for providing informationMeteorological information terminal available at meteorological station in the AD containing: weather radar, weather satellite image display and animation, Upper Air temperature & wind profiles derived from Israeli radiosonds and AMDAR reports , SIGWX and T+W charts and updated OPMET information
9ATS units provided with informationHaifa Tower.
10Additional information (limitation of service, etc.)Local MET station Tel: 972-4-8476132

LLHA AD 2.12  Runway Physical Characteristics

Designations RWY NRTRUE BRGDimensions of RWY (m)Strength (PCNPCR) and surface of RWY and SWYTHR coordinates RWY end coordinates THR geoid undulationTHR elevation and highest elevation of TDZ of precision APP RWYSlope of RWY-SWY
1615159.80°1 318 X 3039F/C/Y/T110/F/C/X/U AsphaltTHR 324855.55N 0350229.26E; RWY END 324817.81N 0350245.71E; GUND 20.5 MTHR 26 FT-0.86%/+Negligible (502 M) (785 M)
3433339.80°1 318 X 3039F/C/Y/T110/F/C/X/U AsphaltTHR 324821.41N 0350244.14E; RWY END 324857.04N 0350228.58E; GUND 20.5 MTHR 16 FTNegligible/+0.86% (785 M) (502 M)
SWY dimensions (m)CWY dimensions (m)Strip dimensions (m)Dimensions of RESA (m)Location And Description Of Arresting SystemOFZRemarks
* Use of CWY for RWY 1615 - coordination with ATC is required before line-up
Nil90 X 801 318 X 80RESA RWY 16 15– 30 X 6042NilNilRESA + CWY ARE PART OF THE RWY*
Nil90 X 801 318 X 80RESA RWY 34 333016 X 60NilNilRESA + CWY ARE PART OF THE RWY

LLHA AD 2.13  Declared Distances

RWY DesignatorTORA (M)TODA (M)ASDA (M)LDA (M)Remarks
* Use of CWY for RWY 1615 - coordination with ATC is required before line-up
16151 2281 2281 2881 2281 3181 1381 177Nil
16151 2281 3181 2281 3181 1381 177By prior coordination*
34331 1981 2281 2881 3181 1981 3041 0831 119Nil
RWY DesignatorTORA (M)TODA (M)ASDA (M)LDA (M)Remarks
1615 – N211871 098
1615 – N111661 076
1615 – G10921 002
1615 – M/Z838750
1615 – Y1651560
1615 – Y2710620
1615 – Y3772680
1615 – U551462
3433 – G225175
3433 – Y1667615
3433 – Y2637556
34 – Y3546495
3433 - U766716

LLHA AD 2.14  Approach And Runway Lighting

RWY designatorAPCH LGT type LEN INTSTTHR LGT Colour WBARVASIS (MEHT) PAPITDZ,LGT LENRWY Centre Line LGT Length, spacing, colour, INTSTRWY edge LGT LEN, spacing Colour INTSTRWY End LGT colour WBARSWY LGT LEN (M) colourRemarks
1615NilGreenPAPI Left/3°REILNil1 206 M 60 M White LIHRedNilNil
3433NilGreenPAPI Left/4°REILNil1 206 M 60 M White LIHRedNilNil

LLHA AD 2.15  Other Lighting, Secondary Power Supply

1ABN/IBN location, characteristics and hours of operationABN (Green/White) located on TWR, operating in IMC and at night.
2LDI location and LGT100 M SW of ARP lit.
Anemometer location and LGTTBD
3TWY edge and centre line lightingEdge only
4Secondary power supply/switch-over timeSecondary power supply to all lighting at AD. Switch-over time: 20 SEC

LLHA AD 2.16  Helicopter Landing Area

Helicopters shall use RWY 16/3415/33 for landing & take-off, following TWR instructions.
TWR may instruct helicopters to use short/long circuit (Ref. AD 2.2-15).
Helicopters may touch down at the intersection of their parking stand, if preferred.

LLHA AD 2.17  ATS Airspace

1Designation and lateral limits324511N 350418E - 325025N 350740E - 325039N 350602E - 325515N 350550E - 325525N 350455E - 325640N 350454E - 325644N 350421E - 324933N 345631E - 324740N 345631E - 324459N 350151E
2Vertical limitsSFC/MSL - 3 000 FT MSL (3 500 FT during weekends)
3Airspace classificationD
4ATS unit call sign Language(s)Haifa Tower English & Hebrew (See GEN. 3.4-2)
5Transition altitudeNIL

LLHA AD 2.18  ATS Communication Facilities

Service designationCall signFrequencyHours of operationRemarks
TWRHAIFA TOWER133.000 MHzDuring AD operation hoursPrimary frequency
127.800 MHzSecondary frequency
121.500 MHzEmergency freq.
ATIS Haifa Information135.400 MHzDuring AD operation hoursBroadcast includes Local routine/special weather report of circuit area

LLHA AD 2.19  Radio Navigation And Landing Aids

Type of aid, MAG VAR CAT of ILS/MLS (For VOR/ILS/ MLS, give declination)IDFrequencyHours of operationLocation of transmitting antenna coordinatesElevation of DME transmitting antennaRemarks
Nil -

LLHA AD 2.20  Local Traffic Regulations

a.  At Haifa Airport a number of local regulations apply. The regulations are collected in a manual which is available at the AD administration office. This manual includes, among other subjects, the following:
  1. the meaning of markings and signs;
  2. information about aircraft stands;
  3. information about taxiing from aircraft stands including taxi clearance;
  4. limitations in the operation of large aircraft including limitations in the use of aircraft’s own power for taxiing.
  5. helicopter operations;
  6. engine start-up and use of APU;
  7. fuel spillage;
  8. precautions during extreme weather conditions;
Taxiing and maneuvering shall be the sole responsibility of the pilot. Adherence to TWR instructions.
Further information about regulations can be obtained from the TWR.
1.   Taxiing to and from stands
Parking arrangements to be coordinated in advance through the Operation and Security Center.
Departing flight shall contact the TWR before start-up, report received ATIS letter, their parking position and obtain ATC clearance before commencing taxi.
Start up and taxi clearances shall be requested from TWR.
Taxi, air-taxi, or push-back in or out of two adjacent parking position simultaneously, is prohibited.
Pilots may request Runway intersection departure before line-up. See table 2.13A for RWY intersection’s TORA.
A/C shall be ready for immediate departure upon line-up, and must not delay its take-off roll, unless otherwise approved by TWR.
Taxiing and maneuvering shall be the sole responsibility of the pilot. Adherence to TWR instructions.
Further information about regulations can be obtained from the TWR.
2.   Parking area for small aircraft (General aviation)
Parking at apron A, J, L, Z see AD 2 LLHA APDC.
Marshalling services are not provided. Taxiing and maneuvering shall be the sole responsibility of the pilot. Request ATC instructions if required.
Parking on Apron A will be as following:
  1. It is the pilot's responsibility to coordinate in advance with the operations and security center, the arrival and parking of aircraft whose home base is not Haifa.
  2. Parking on stands A1-A4 is permitted ONLY with prior approval and coordination with the Operations and Security Center.
  3. Parking on stands A1-A2 is allowed only to fill flame retardant, or for a short time, provided that the pilot is presented near the aircraft.
  4. Stands A1, A3, A4 are for aircraft with a wingspan up to 28 meters only, Stand A2 are for aircraft with a wingspan up to 28.4 meters only.
  5. Parking on stands A5-A10 requires prior coordination with the Operation and Security Center.
  6. It is forbidden to carry out any maintenance work on stands A20, A21, A22.
  7. It is the pilot's responsibility to park the aircraft only on a stand suitable for its size. Parking in a larger position requires prior approval from the Operations and Security Center.
Parking at apron J: On stands J1 and J2 it is forbidden to park an aircraft deviating from rear asphalt line.
3.   Engines Run-ups:
Run up approval must be obtained by email from the Operation and Security Center.
Contact ATC tower for start-up clearance only after receiving a permission from the Operation and Security Center.
Company/Pilot responsible for the run-up, must secure the surrounding area and post a safety observer.
4.   Parking area for helicopters
Parking at aprons G, A, Different apron may be assigned by Operation and Security Center. see AD 2 LLHA APDC and AD 2 LLHA APDCG.
For helicopters parking, prior permission by the Operation and Security Center is required by e-mail only.Pilots/operators shall coordinate helicopter parking with Operation and Security Center by e-mail only.
Apron G: for helicopters with maximum helicopter length of 17.12 meters.
5.   Apron - taxiing during winter conditions
6.   Taxiing - limitations
Insufficient safety distances restrict large aircraft’s use of taxiway when using their own power.
Pilots shall coordinate in advance the operations of large aircraft with the Operation and Security Center.
Further information/instructions will be given by TWR.
7.   School and training flights technical test flights - use of runways
8.   Helicopter traffic - limitation
Non-scheduled helicopter public air traffic is permitted only after prior approval from the Haifa Aerodrome Administration. Any contact concerning the above shall be made via the handling company or directly to the Operation and Security Center.
Any request for approval of traffic shall contain the following information:
  1. Owner/operator
  2. Type of helicopter, registration/call sign
  3. Date, arrival time/departure time, destination(s).
Furthermore, other details relevant to the evaluation of the request shall be given as required.
9.   Removal of disabled aircraft from runways
When aircraft is wrecked on a runway, it is the duty of the owner or user of such aircraft to have it removed as soon as possible. If a wrecked aircraft is not removed from the runway as quickly as possible by the owner or user, the aircraft will be removed by the aerodrome authority at the owner’s or user’s expense.




Flights within Haifa CTR shall be in accordance with Controlled Visual Flight Rules (CVFR) only, and conducted in accordance with CVFR routes chart.
Traffic pattern (see AD 2.2-Visual Circuit Chart)
  • Fixed-wing A/C, “Long” circuit pattern. Altitude – 1000 ft.
    • RWY 3433 – Right circuit, Base leg south of LLP04.
    • RWY 1615 – Left circuit, extend Departure leg, Crosswind south of LLP04.
  • Helicopters, “Short” circuit pattern, Altitude – 500 ft, day only.
    • RWY 3433 – Right circuit, short Base leg north of LLP04.
    • RWY 1615 – Left circuit, short departure leg, crosswind north of LLP04.
International flights – Arrivals
Before submitting arrival FPL, pilots shall receive Haifa AD administration approval at least 24 hours in advance, and coordinate any further changes.
Pilots shall report ETA to ZAHAV to Tel-Aviv Control (ACC), which will forward the information to Haifa TWR.
Arriving flights shall be transferred to Haifa TWR before GALIM 3000/5000 ft.
On initial contact, pilot shall report to Haifa TWR received ATIS letter, present altitude, and distance or ETA to GALIM.
International flights – Departures
Pilots shall coordinate departure flights with AD administration at least 24 hours in advance, and before submitting a FPL.
It is the pilot responsibility to inform the tower 15 minutes before the planned take-off time.
Departure flights shall be transferred to Tel Aviv Control at GALIM, 3000/5000 ft.
Communication failure
In case of Communication failure the pilot should call the control tower 972-4-8729361 and act as follows:
  • Arriving A/C: Proceed to GALIM via FPL Airway, unless previously cleared to another airway. After passing GALIM, proceed inbound Haifa airport while maintaining 3000 ft. Switch on the A/C landing lights. Determine the Runway in Use, observing traffic in the circuit and/or the wind direction indicator (“Wind Sac”). Fly over the control TWR. Join down-wind leg while descending to 1000 ft. Land after receiving Green light from the TWR
  • Departing A/C: Return to LLHA via GALIM at 3000 ft. After passing GALIM proceed, as described for arriving A/C.


Bird concentrations in the vicinity of the airport See AD 2 LLHA BIRD-1.

LLHA AD 2.24  Charts Related To An Aerodrome

Chart NamePage
LLHA - Aerodrome Chart - ICAOAD 2 LLHA ADC
LLHA - Aircraft Parking Chart - ICAOAD 2 LLHA APDC
LLHA - Aircraft Parking Chart - Apron GAD 2 LLHA APDCG
LLHA - Aircraft Parking Chart - Apron NAD 2 LLHA APDCN
LLHA - Aircraft Parking Chart - ICAOAD 2 LLHA APDC
LLHA - Aerodrome Obstacle Chart - ICAOAD 2 LLHA AOC-15-33
LLHA - Standard Arrival Chart – Instrument (STAR) GALIM 1A, GALIM 1BAD 2 LLHA STAR
LLHA - Visual Approach ChartAD 2 LLHA VCC